README.TXT - Please Read This File First Before Installing PacsOne Server Copyright (C) 2003-2020 Rainbowfish Software. All rights reserved. INTRODUCTION PacsOne is a DICOM 3.0 compliant Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS) application that consists of the following components: 1. A DICOM protocol server for servicing requests for image storage, query and retrieval. 2. MySQL database for managing image records and related patient, study, series information. 3. Apache 2.0 HTTP server and PHP scripting engine for presenting a web-based user interface for managing database records. 4. ImageMagick module for displaying images to client's web browsers. PLATFORMS The following platforms are currently supported: Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server. INSTALLATIONS This package (where this README.TXT file is obtained) requires prior installation of MySQL database server. The following sections describe detailed guidelines for each specific component: 1. MySQL Database: The latest released version of MySQL can be downloaded from: NOTE: On Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 platforms, some older releases (version 3.2.x or earlier) of the MySQL setup program does NOT install MySQL as a Windows service automatically. If this is the case, you need to run the following command manually from a command shell to make sure MySQL is installed to run as a Windows service: shell> {MySQL Executable Path}\mysqld --install where {MySQL Executable Path} is the path to MySQL executables. (e.g., C:\mysql\bin\) If the initial password for 'root' is empty, it's recommended to setup a non-empty 'root' password first for security reasons: shell>mysqladmin -u root password NEW_PASSWORD where NEW_PASSWORD is the new non-empty password for 'root' The super-user 'root' username and password are required when running the setup program for PacsOne Server and when creating PacsOne Server user accounts through the web user interface. Please refer to documentation in 'doc/install.pdf' for more details. 2. PacsOne Server: After MySQL database has been set up successfully above, PacsOne Server can now be installed by downloading this package, and running SETUP.EXE and follow the Installation dialog: - DICOM Specific Configurations: APPLICATION ENTITY TITLE: This is the Application Entity Title used by PacsOne Server when it services requests from other clients or application entities. SERVER PORT: The TCP port number PacsOne Server listens to. It's recommended to set it to a value larger than 1024 to avoid conflicts with reserved ports. LOG FILE DIRECTORY: Directory where PacsOne Server writes its log files. The value defaults to where PacsOne Server was installed to. - MySQL Specific Configurations: DATABASE NAME, USERNAME and PASSWORD: These are the database name, username and password configured during the above MySQL Database installation. DROP AND CREATE DATABASE TABLES: This checkbox specified whether to drop and create database tables used by PacsOne Server. Selecting this checkbox will delete any existing tables and re-create them for use by PacsOne Server. - Storage Specific Configurations: DEFAULT ARCHIVE DIRECTORY: This is the default directory PacsOne Server stores its received images if it doesn't know where to store it based on the application entity title of the requesting client. See Section 4 for details about Managing the Application Entity table from the web interface. ARCHIVE FORMAT: There're 2 available formats for storing received images. DICOM Part 10 (Default) or Native (without Part 10 header). Once the above entry fields are configured, press the button to install PacsOne Server. 3. Apache HTTP Server and PHP Script Engine: PacsOne Server has been tested with Apache Web Server 2.0.44 and PHP 4.3.1. The latest released version of Apache 2.0 Server can be downloaded from: The latest released version of PHP can be downloaded from: It's recommended to run PHP as a Apache module instead of CGI executables due to both performance and security reasons. The following notes provide help about running PHP as a Apache Module: - HTTPD.CONF This is the main Apache configuration file, the following lines should be added or modified in corresponding sections to configure PHP as a Apache module: ################## BEGIN: HTTPD.CONF ################################ <.....> # # Loadable modules # LoadModule php4_module "{PHP_INSTALL_DIR}/sapi/php4apache2.dll" <.....> # # TypesConfig describes where the mime.types file (or equivalent) is # to be found. # TypesConfig conf/mime.types AddType application/x-tar .tgz AddType application/x-rar-compressed .rar AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps <.....> # # Alias # Alias /pacsone "{PACSONE_INSTALL_DIR}/php" Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all ################## END: HTTPD.CONF ################################ where: PHP_INSTALL_DIR is the directory where PHP was installed. PACSONE_INSTALL_DIR is the directory where PacsOne Server was installed. - PHP.INI This is the main PHP configuration file and it should be copied to either the Apache installation or %SystemRoot% directory. - PHP4TS.DLL The PHP for Apache module (php4apache2.dll above in HTTPD.CONF) depends on this DLL, and it should be copied to either the same directory as file php4apache2.dll or %SystemRoot%\System32 directory so that it can be loaded properly when Apache starts. Refer to Apache and PHP documentations for installation instructions and configuration details. 4. ImageMagick PHP Module: PacsOne Server uses ImageMagick libraries for displaying stored images as converted .JPG or .GIF images to web browsers. It has been tested with ImagicMagick 5.5.6 libraries. The latest release of ImageMagick can be downloaded from: To configure ImageMagick as a PHP module, the following files need to be modified: - PHP.INI ################## BEGIN: PHP.INI ################################ ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside. extension_dir = {PHP_INSTALL_DIR}\extensions ;Windows Extensions extension=php_imagick.dll ################## END: PHP.INI ################################ where: PHP_INSTALL_DIR is the directory where PHP was installed. PACSONE_INSTALL_DIR is the directory where PacsOne Server was installed. php_imagick.dll is the module DLL which needs to be copied from: {PACSONE_INSTALL_DIR}\php\ to: {PHP_INSTALL_DIR}\extensions\ After PHP.INI or HTTPD.CONF configuration file is modified, the Apache Web Server needs to be re-started for the changes to take effect. 5. Web User Interface: PacsOne Server uses PHP scripts to provide a web-based user interface for managing its database records and displaying stored images to web browsers. By default, the PHP scripts are installed under: {PACSONE_INSTALL_DIR}\php directory when PacsOne Server package is installed. If the Apache Web Server configuration file (HTTPD.CONF in Section 3 above) has been modified to provide an alias or virtual document root to the PacsOne Server PHP scripts directory above, users can then login to PacsOne database using the following URL from a web browser: http://{HOSTNAME}/{ALIAS}/home.php where: HOSTNAME is the name of host where PacsOne Server is installed, for example, "localhost" if the web browser is on the same host. ALIAS is the Apache HTTP Server Alias created for PacsOne, e.g., "pacsone". USER's GUIDE The following provides a brief description of the PacsOne web user interface: - Login Page This page will ask the user to enter: Database Name, Username and Password and authenticate the user before serving the PacsOne Main Page. The Database Name is the name of the database created for PacsOne Server in Section 1. The Username/Password are validated again the MySQL Username/Password created in Section 1. Only users with MySQL Full privileges for the specified PacsOne Server database can modify records stored in the database. Users with Read-Only privilege can browse the database records and view stored images, but can not modify them. - Main Page (Home Link) After an user has been authenticated, the PacsOne Server Main Page is displayed which list all patients currently in the database along with patient related information. The list also has embedded URL links which allows user to click and follow to individual Patient Details Page. - Patient Details Page This page contains detailed information available about an individual patient. - Study Page From the Main Page, user can click on an individual patient to display all related studies for this patient along with their study releated information. - Series Page From the Study Page, user can click on an individual study to display all related series for this study along with their series related information. - Forward Page From the Patient, Study or Series Page, a 'Forward' button has been added to enable forwarding of all instances of a patient, study or series to a remote AE. If the button is clicked, this page will be displayed to let user select the detination remote AE from a drop-down list. The remote AE must have been defined in the 'applentity' table and must have the IP address/hostname and port number defined. Once the forwarding job has been submitted, it will be processed by background worker thread within 5 seconds (current polling interval) and the status will be updated in the Job Status page. - Image Page From the Series Page, user can click on an individual series to display all related images for this series along with their image releated information. For each image, this page also display a thumbnail image in either .JPG and .GIF format. - Image Details Page From the Image Page, user can click on the embedded thumbnail image to display the selected image in full size. - Online Image Processing Page From this Page, user can select a variety of image processing tools such as: Window/Level, Gamma Correction, Contrast, Edge Enhancement, Resize, Noise Enhancement, Histogram Equalization, Invert, Normalize and Rotation. - Application Entity Page (ApplicationEntity Link) This page display a list of known application entities and each record contains the following fields: Title: Application Entity (AE) Title. This field is required. Hostname: Hostname of the remote AE. This field is optional and it is used to connect to the corresponding C-STORE SCP remote AE when servicing C-MOVE requests. IpAddr: IP address of the remote AE. This field is optional and it is used to connect to the corresponding C-STORE SCP remove AE when servicing C-MOVE requests. Port: TCP port number of the remote AE. This field is optional and it is used to connect to the corresponding C-STORE SCP remote AE when servicing C-MOVE requests. AllowAccess: 'Enable' or 'Disable' access to PacsOne database for this application entity. If set to 'Disable', PacsOne server will reject any association requests with the specified application entity title. This field is optional and it has the default value of 'Disable'. ArchiveDir: Archive directory for this application entity. This field is optional and it only applies to C-STORE SCU application entities that send images to PacsOne. Directory Usage: If the Archive directory for this application entity is a valid directory, this filed contains the total disk space usage in bytes for all files and folders underneath this directory. If the user logged in has FULL privilege to the PacsOne database table, this page also provides methods to Add, Delete or Modify entries in the Application Entity table. - Remote Application Entity Page (Remote AE Link) This page display a subset of the all application entities which has the IP Address, Hostname and TCP Port Number defined, and each record contains the following fields in addition to the common Application Entity attributes listed above: Verify Connection: Pressing the link will initiate a C-ECHO verification request to the remote AE using the corresponding IP address/ Hostname and TCP Port. A confirmation message box will be displayed if the remote AE has successfully accepted the C-ECHO verification request, otherwise a detailed error message will be displayed about why the C-ECHO request failed. Remote Exams: Pressing the link will initiate a C-FIND request to the remote AE using the corresponding IP address/ Hostname and TCP Port. The C-FIND query results returned from the remote AE will be displayed, as well as a button to retrieve/move the corresponding patients, studies,series and/or images to a destination AE using the C-MOVE command. If there's any error during either the Query or Retrieve/Move command message, a detailed error message will be displayed indicating why the C-FIND or C-MOVE request failed. - Search Page (Search Link) This is the main search page where user can search for patient, study or series information stored in the PacsOne server database. The following wild-card characters are supported: '*': Match one or more characters. '?': Match a single character. The following search methods are supported: Search by Patient: By Patient ID By Patient Name Search by Study: By Study UID By Study ID By Study Date By Study Accession Number Search by Series: By Series UID By Series Date By Modality - Status Page (Job Status Link) From this page, users can check the staus of their submitted jobs. For example, if the user has forwarded a patient, study or series to a remote destination AE, the status of the forwarding job can be checked from this page. This page will display the Completed jobs first followed by Pending and Failed jobs. If the status of a job is not 'Completed', any specific errors will be displayed in the 'Details' column. 'Failed' jobs can be re-submitted via the 'Retry' button. 'Completed' or 'Failed' jobs can be deleted via the 'Delete' button and they will be automaically deleted from the system after a period of 24 hours. - Logout Page (Logout Link) Selecting this link will logout the active user from current session, and re-direct client browser back to the Login Page. Please refer to 'doc/manual.pdf' for more details. CONTACTS For general comments, suggestions, ideas, send emails to: For feature requests, send emails to: For bug reports, send emails to: For PacsOne users bulletin board: For commercial licensing information: COPYRIGHTS PacsOne Server uses the JPEG compression/de-compression libraries developed by the Independent JPEG Group (IJG).